One of the pain point when learning Mandarin is that most of the Anglicism we use in western languages are simply not used. For example in IT, 接口 refer to an API and 框架 to a framework. This was confusing for me at the beginning and I could hardly follow technical meetings.

Over the years, I put up a list of words and sentences collected from situations encountered at work. They are usually the quickest way of expressing something and are safe to use in a professional context. As a rule of thumb, if there is an acronym or a short Anglicism to designate something, it will be used instead of its Chinese counterpart (see remark column).


English Chinese Characters (汉字) Example (例子句)
a program 程序 (chéng xù)
a framework 框架 (kuàng jià) 我们应该升级前段框架的版本
a mini-program 小程序 (xiǎo chéng xù)
a string 字符串 (zì fú chuàn) 这个12位的字符串太长了
a square bracket [ | ] 方括号 (fāng guā hào)
a curly bracket { | } 花括号 (huā guā hào)
an escaped chars 跳脫字元 (tiào tuō zì yuán)
a parenthesis 圆括号 (yuán guā hào)
a parameter 参数 (cān shù)
a loop 迴圈 (huí quān)
an exception 异常 (yì cháng)
to try / catch 捕获 (bǔ huò)
to throw an exception 抛出 (pāo chū) 会不会抛出异常?
dependency injection 依赖注入 (yī lài zhù rù)
ORM 对象关系映射程序 (duì xiàng guān xì yìng shè chéng xù)
to migrate code 迁移代码 (qiān yí dài mǎ) 迁移代码在新项目
asynchronous 异步 (yì bù)
API 接口 (jiē kǒu)
a bug 漏洞 (lòu dòng)
to debug 调试 (tiáo shì) 本地开发调试很方便
to fix 修复 (xiū fù)
to build 构建 (gòu jiàn)
to compile 编译 (biān yì) 我去,编译又失败了
Design Pattern 设计模式 (shè jì mò shì)
singleton design pattern 单体模式 (dān yī mò shì)
KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) KISS原则 (KISS yuán zé)
a class 一类 (yi lèi)
a class method 类方法 (lèi fāng fǎ)
a class variable 类变量 (lèi biàn liàng)
an object 对象 (duì xiàng)
to construct 构造 (gòu zào)
a constructor 构造函数 (gòu zào hán shù)
Primary Types
a char 字元 (zì yuán)
a float 浮点数 (fú diǎn shù)
Misc 其他
open-source 开源 (kāi yuán)
refactoring 重构 (chóng gòu) 避免大量重构
an algorithm 算法 (suàn fǎ)
Fixed configuration 固定配置 (gù dìng pèi zhì)


English Chinese Example (例子句)
to test 测试 (cè shì)
regression test 回归测试 (huí guī cè shì) 我们正在回归测试阶段
integration test 联调测试 (lián diào cè shì)
unit test 单元测试 (dān yuán cè shì) Mockito单元测试的时候抛出异常
to submit to test 提试 (tí shì)


English Chinese Example (例子句)
an environment 环境 (huán jìng)
daily environment 日常环境 (rì cháng huán jìng)
staging environment 预发环境 (yù fā huán jìng)
production environment 正式 环境 (zhèng shì huán jìng)
a version 版本 (bǎn běn)
to deploy 发布 (fā bù)
performance 性能 (xìng néng)
RAM Memory 内存 (nèi cún)
a server 一台服务器 (yī tái fú wù qì)

UI/UX Design

English Chinese Example (例子句)
to undo 撤销 (chè xiāo)
to copy 复制 (fù zhì)
to paste 粘贴 (zhān tiē)
to edit 编辑 (biān jí)
to cancel 取消 (qǔ xiāo)
to refresh 刷新 (shuā xīn)
to save 保存 (bǎo cún)
to print 打印 (dǎ yìn)
to turn on 打开 (dǎ kāi)
to turn off 关掉 (guān diào)
a name 名称 (míng chēng)
an action 行为 (xíng wéi)
a description 描述 (miáo shù)
a menu 菜单 (cài dān)
properties 属性 (shǔ xìng)
an image 图片 (tú piàn)
a video 视频 (shì pín)
to connect 链接 (liàn jiē)
a network 网络 (wǎng luò)
wireless 无线 (wú xiàn)
an email 电子邮件 (diàn zǐ yóu jiàn)
inbox 邮箱 (yóu xiāng)
browser 浏览器 (liú lǎn qì)
URL 网址 (wǎng zhǐ)
to reply 回复 (huí fù)
to forward 转发 (zhuǎn fā)
to chat 聊天 (liáo tiān)
user interface (UI) 用户界面 (yòng hù jiè miàn)
a splash screen 闪屏 (shǎn bīng)
a feedback 反馈 (fǎn kuì)
full screen 全屏 (quán píng)
to download 下载 (xià zǎi)
to upload 上载 (shàng zài)
long-press 长按 (zhǎng àn)
screenshot 截图 (jié tú)
to search 搜索 (sōu suǒ)

Data Structures

English Chinese Example (例子句)
child (node) 子 (zǐ)
parent (node) 父 (fù)
root (node) 顶级 (dǐng jí)
category 分类 (fēn lèi)
array 数组/陣列 (shù zǔ)
database 数据库 (shù jù kù)
sort 排序 (pái xù)
filter 筛选 (shāi xuǎn)
pagination 分页 (fēn yè)
data 数据 (shù jù)
binary tree 二叉树 (Èr chā shù)
graph 图形 (tú xíng)
primary index 主索引 (zhǔ suǒ yǐn)
primary key 主键 (zhǔ jiàn)
foreign key 外键 (wài jiàn)
table join 表连接 (biǎo lián jiē)
query 查询 (chá xún)
row / column 行 / 列 (xíng / liè)

Web Development

English Chinese Example (例子句)
domain name 域名 (yù míng)
hostname 主机名 (zhǔ jī míng)
show / hide 显示 / 收起 (xiǎn shì / shōu qǐ)
create 新增 (xīn zēng)
back 返回 (fǎn huí)
edit 编辑 (biān jí)
update 更新 (gēng xīn)
delete 删除 (shān chú)
permission 权限 (quán xiàn)
role 角色 (jué sè)
a page 页面 (yè miàn) 页面 can refer to a web page or the page of a paginated query to any data storage
a field 字段 (zì duàn) The field of a class or JSON response for example

Version Control System (VCS)

English Chinese Example (例子句)
code repository 代码库 (dài mǎ kù)
to clone 克隆 (kè lóng)
to commit 提交 (tí jiāo)
to fetch 抓取 (zhuā qǔ)
to pull 拉取 (lā qǔ)
to push 推送 (tuī sòng)
a tag 标签 (biāo qiān)
to checkout 检出 (jiǎn chū)
a branch 分支 (fēn zhī)
to merge 合并 (hé bìng)
to stash 储藏 (chǔ cáng)
a conflict 冲突 (chōng tū)


English Chinese Example (例子句)
e-commerce 电子商务 (diàn zǐ shāng wù)
web page 网页 (wǎng yè)
payment 付款 (fù kuǎn)
credit card 信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ)
enter account number 输入账号 (shū rù zhàng hào)
client 顾客 (gù kè)
profit 利润 (lì rùn)
cost 成本 (chéng běn)
inquiry 询价 (xún jià)
wholesale price 批发价 (pī fā jià)
retail price 零售价 (líng shòu jià)

Sentence Helpers

English Chinese
Are you sure? 你确定吗? (nǐ quèdìng ma?)
Please help me print this document 请帮我打印一下这份文件 (qǐnɡ bānɡ wǒ dǎ yìn yí xià zhè fèn wén jiàn)
You did a good job! 你做得非常好!(nǐ zuò de fēichánɡ hǎo!)
How may I help you? 有什么可以帮你?(yǒu shén me ké yǐ bānɡ ní)
Could you provide the client’s address? 可以提供下客户的地址吗?(kě yǐ tí gōng xià kè hù dì dì zhǐ ma?)